Shooting games › Warfare Classic
Play Warfare Classic online! Warfare Classic is a 3D multiplayer first-person shooter game with a real-time, super speed FSP, and up to 10 players match! Feel the authentic FPS with your friends, experience various weapons that will give you thrill at hands! Warfare Classic has lots of interesting game modes and it doesn’t require you any installation of a plugin. Game Modes ALL-OUT WAR: Win more set number of rounds than the opposing team, from 5 to 13rounds SPECIAL MATCH: Win by using only certain types of weapon BOMBING MISSION: Complete your mission or defeat the enemy by collaborating with your team TEAM DEATHMATCH: Defeat the opponent team within a limited time BOSS RAID: Four players team up to fight deadly zombies/// WASD: move Space bar: jump Left mouse click: fire Right mouse click: zoom R: reload G: drop weapon F: get dropped weapon 1~4: switch weapon 5: switch to C4 E: setup C4